Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Thank God And Greyhound You're Gone"*

Eugene Robinson

Buh-bye, Karl Rove. On your way out of the White House, don't let the screen door hit you where the dog should have bit you.

I can't say that I'll miss George W. Bush's longtime political strategist -- the man Bush used to call "Boy Genius" -- because, well, that would be such a lie. And anyway, to quote one of the great country song titles -- "How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?" -- I don't believe for a minute that Rove really intends to withdraw from public life. I predict he'll be writing op-eds, giving interviews to friendly news outlets and calling Republican presidential candidates to warn them not to abandon Bush, no matter how low his approval ratings slide. Rove's new job will be to put lipstick on Bush's hideous legacy -- and, in the process, freshen up his own.

That's gonna take a lotta lipstick. Gotta call my broker about some Revlon...

Here's another ol' country song title that might apply to Bush after Turdblossom, "I'm So Miserable Without You, It's Almost Like Having You Here".

The problem, of course, is that what Rove did and how he did it were awful for the nation.


Yes, politics is about winning -- they don't give style points for graceful failure. But the us-or-them brand of politics that Rove mastered and that Bush practiced has been a disaster for the nation and its standing in the world.

Turns out it wasn't all that wonderful for Rove's 1000 Year Reich Permanent Repuglican Rule either, but it's gonna take a long time to clean up.

"I'll be on the road behind you here in a little bit," Bush said to Rove as the two men faced reporters yesterday.

Not soon enough.

Amen, brother

*Another ol' country song title.

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