Monday, July 2, 2012

The crux of the biscuit ...

From Perfesser Krugman via Karoli:


What was and is really striking about the anti-reformers is their cruelty. It would be one thing if, at any point, they had offered any hint of an alternative proposal to help Americans with pre-existing conditions, Americans who simply can't afford expensive individual insurance, Americans who lose coverage along with their jobs. But it has long been obvious that the opposition's goal is simply to kill reform, never mind the human consequences.


Yeah. It's one thing to have competing plans but when you want to repeal something that protects Americans and replace it with nothing, it shows how much Republicans give a shit about actual people. They don't.

1 comment:

Gordon said...

I was just listening to some Repug clown talking about how Medicaid pays so poorly that some doctors won't accept Medicaid patients and in the very next breath that the trick to affordable healthcare is to lower the cost. Their whole "health care" solution is "elect Willard".