Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bend over . . . once more

The insightful CN Todd:

Bad news for America's peasants and wage slaves today as corporate airline giant Delta announces it just cannot figure out how to make money any more. Not to worry, though, since Delta asked its peasant labor to take a $1 billion wage and benefit cut last year when faced with a similar crisis. Analysts predict that the airline may simply ask workers to take home even less.

[. . .]

Shut up, you assholes. Be glad you have a job. It's amazing the shit they get away with, never mind Halliburton, the double standard, everything, and the sheeple just go along with it. Bush is pissing on them, telling them it's raining, and they hold their heads to the sky and stick out their tongues. Good links over there too.

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