Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Home, Home Out Of On The Range...

Wonkette chimes in on Mrs. Sheehan's sun-filled Summer vacation:

Does anybody remember why it is that Bush went to Crawford for four weeks? Scott McClellan brushed off detractors with this folksy argument:

Spending time outside of Washington always gives the president a fresh perspective of what's on the minds of the American people. It's a time, really, for him to shed the coat and tie and meet with folks out in the heartland and hear what's on their minds.

Hey, that's funny, there's someone just outside the ranch who'd love see him!

I think the "folks" Bush meets with "out in the heartland" are the same big contributors and other assorted snakes that he meets with in DC. Apparently, ordinary citizens (Mrs. Sheehan is anything but ordinary!) aren't allowed within five miles of Der Fuhrer His Majesty. I think he's scared of his adoring public, let alone the traitors who disagree with him, and is staying out of rifle range.

If you've got a few minutes, Technorati has one or two more articles on Mrs. Sheehan's situation.

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