Monday, August 8, 2005

New Democrats in the Making

From the Binghamton(NY) Press & Sun Bulletin, quoting Paul Hackett of Ohio:

At the same time, he spoke of Marines and soldiers still in Iraq as "young Democrats in the making." If he's right about that, then Bush and Cheney and the rest of those neocon liars who raved about weapons of mass destruction and a "cakewalk" invasion are going to find themselves in trouble if and when those young fighters come home.

Hackett also said he is ready to return to Iraq if called upon, which appeared to confound Goodman. She apparently doesn't understand Marines.

As for Schmidt, she is fortunate that the election was held the day before rather than the day after those 14 Ohio Marines died in Iraq.

But how many more of those brave men and women need to die before an indifferent public wakes up and demands a workable end to what's happening there, and not just empty slogans coming from an empty head.

In my opinion, the only way the deaths of our troops will not have been in vain is if they piss Americans off enough that Republicans and Neo-conmen will never, ever, take over this country again.

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