I say round up all the politicians in the world and all the "financial" gangsters and send them to the Moon with Noot. That'd be a good start. Either that or turn 'em into burgers for the starving folks.
Wasn't't the big bird flu epidemic supposed to fix that? And before that AIDS? And before that ebola?
Clearly President Newt is on to something. We must colonize the Moon!! (So what if we have to push a few Green people out of the way. We did it before.)
I say round up all the politicians in the world and all the "financial" gangsters and send them to the Moon with Noot. That'd be a good start. Either that or turn 'em into burgers for the starving folks.
But that'd poison 'em! Oh, wait...
Can we get enough politicianfinancialgangsterburger for 1/3 of the world's population? ;-)
Wasn't't the big bird flu epidemic supposed to fix that? And before that AIDS? And before that ebola?
Clearly President Newt is on to something. We must colonize the Moon!! (So what if we have to push a few Green people out of the way. We did it before.)
Hey, if Newt gets the White House, problem solved. Here's a man just itching to start a war or wars somewhere...
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