Thanks to YubaNet for "veepwannabe".
The gasbags talk about Rubio in terms of his appeal to Hispanic voters.
Here's my question:
There are lots of Mexicans out west, and lots of Puerto Ricans back east. There's a little bloc of Cubans in southeast Florida. Do the east coast and west coast (and just about every place else these days) Hispanics think of the Cubans as being the same sort of people they themselves are or are the Repugs pissin' up a rope by lumping them all together as one voting bloc?
The difference, to me, is that the Cubans came here as political refugees and are known to vote the wrong way because they don't like Castro, and the others came here largely as economic refugees and vote Dem because the Repugs dump on them.
Shorter: Do Messkins and
Boricuas identify with Cubans or do they consider
Cubanos as Hispanic cultural outliers and an obvious and transparent desperate attempt by Repugs to get their vote if they nominate Rubio which I don't think is going to happen anyway?
I'm down wid the latter but I'm askin' what you think.