Sunday, May 6, 2007

Put me in, Coach, I'm ready to lie


Back on March 5, several top Justice Department officials were summoned for an emergency meeting at the White House. On the agenda: Going over "what we are going to say" about why eight U.S. attorneys had been summarily fired.

The truth simply won't do. It's got a liberal bias and thus is not Repuglicant policy. Besides, the truth would put 'em all in jail. So would lying. Win-win!

That meeting was about getting their story straight, or "you lie and I'll swear to it". Hopefully, they'll all lie and get caught at it.

When it comes to folks who are going to "refuse" to appear when subpœna'd, the same thing should happen as if you or I failed to respond to an official summons: bench warrants are issued, arrests are made, and the witnesses appear in jailhouse orange, in irons and chained to the floor.

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