Thursday, October 25, 2007

Plamegate Finale: We Were Right; They Were Wrong

David Corn, in his last "Capital Games" article in The Nation, on Plamegate:

It's like the war: false statements, false cover stories, and failure to concede the errors in judgment and action that have caused harm to national security. But the meta-narrative of Bush and his neoconservative allies is one of no apology, no surrender. They say and do what they must to shield themselves from the consequences of their actions. Reality be damned. What matters is what they can get away with. In the case of Valerie Plame Wilson, they did escape retribution. In the larger case of the Iraq war, they are still hoping to.

I hope all the neocons and war profiteers end up in a nice camp somewhere. Manzanar springs to mind. Or The Hague. Or Lubyanka. Or the Tijuana jail. Or under it. Somewhere fitting for their crimes.

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