Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Kiwis are leaving

One more down. Via Glen at A Brooklyn Bridge:

[. . .]

The New Zealand Defence Force is refusing to give any details of the withdrawal of the 60-strong Kiwi military engineering contingent, which has been hunkered down in Basra for the past five weeks as violence escalates throughout Iraq.

[. . .]

The situation in Iraq was very different from a year ago.

Our troops were sent in a non-combatant role "but what's happening now is that everyone's a combatant whether they want to be one or not. As time has gone on the situation has become much more lethal and no one can guarantee their absolute safety."

[. . .]

Full story.

Like rats from a sinking ship.

Update: 05:35:

From The Agonist:

Today the US dropped Costa Rica from the coalition of the willing. The Independent reports of Iraq's descent into the abyss. In Anbar province talks are being held with tribal leaders. They are hoping they will agree to a weapons for troop pullback exchange. I'm not sure who is brave enough for this: Iraqi Airways to resume flights. [my emphasis]

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