Thursday, August 10, 2006

School Daze

School starts here on Monday,the 14th.Today was 7th grade orientation.Brand,spankin new multi million dollar building.Some observations upon getting back home from said orientation:

1) I don't care how huge the school building is in this county,the parking lots are insanely small and horrifically planned.This always causes pain in the ass traffic and parking issues every single time there's a school event.Even when they divide a single event up to occur at different times,for each grade.Such was the case today.Who is the moron who designs a school to hold 1500+ kids and staff and only designs parking for not even a third that many cars? In this case there's a series of small parking lots connected by a narrow road system,which of course is going to be lined with cars parked up and down from beginning to end so traffic can't flow both ways.There are going to be many days I'm driving Atilla the Fun to and from school because of various clubs and projects,plus my own volunteering,and I'm fully prepared to be in some sort of car accident with a big ass SUV before the school year is over.

2)I wasn't in this school for two seconds before I ran into people praying for the kiddies and the new building.Ok,I suppose that they mean well,as far as the thought goes.But methinks this could lead to more intrusions.I walk into the guidance office and the receptionist's desk has not one,not two,but three of those little Bible Verse O' the Day flip over book/sign dealies sitting on it.Ok,it is her desk,and she was very nice.Then we walk into the cafeteria,which was the info center for all the clubs and afterschool activities along with sign up sheets for parent volunteering duties(I chose the environmental committee and will probably help with the Builder's Club,which does community service stuff,like send care packages to Iraq and Afghanistan)and there are two christian school sponsored clubs.One for athletes,one for future christian homemakers.Quaint,eh? I haven't had the chance to look at the science curriculum yet,and I hope what I saw today has no bearing on which direction that class goes.I'll reserve judgement til then.

3)Met with the Special Ed lead teacher,she seems on top of mostly everything.But,Atilla is not going to be in small class settings for half his classes,something I was not informed of til today.I like a little advance notice,so does Atilla.Large groups are challenging for him,he has difficulty keeping still and will start decompensating into"weird"behavior(hiding on the floor under his desk,speaking and moving really fast,blurting out inappropriate or off topic comments,trying to grab and hold people,you get the idea),which sets him up to be rejected and/or picked on by his peers.Ok,it also doesn't help that I'm overprotective and sort of freaked out that my baby is fast turning into a young man.This is when it kinda sucks to be The Mom.Of course,the year will probably be more difficult for me than it is him,lol.

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