Monday, February 26, 2007

Brothers in Arms Again: Bush Faction Arming Al Qaeda to Thwart Iran

Chris Floyd at Empire Burlesque, whose motto is "High Crimes and Low Comedy in the Bush Imperium". I like that.

Here's the upshot of Sy Hersh's latest piece in the New Yorker: George W. Bush is working with, paying, arming and training -- directly and by proxy -- violent terrorist groups in league with Osama bin Laden.

I have been writing here for years about the Bush Administration's openly declared intent to arm and fund violent militia groups all over the world, especially in "inaccessible" places where the US cannot operate openly. Hersh has confirmed this "strategy" several times in his reporting.

But as we've also noted many times, this political "philosophy" is by no means unique to the Bush Family faction. It is resolutely bipartisan, and deeply embedded in the mindset of the American Establishment. The Bushes are nothing but second-rate camp followers, empty shells and non-entities, originating nothing, ignorant and cynical in equal measure, their only unusual trait being how open they are in their scorn for the worthless rabble and the bullshit Constitution that the crypto-Commies like Madison and Jefferson foisted on the proper rulers of the country. Otherwise, they simply regurgitate the unprocessed prejudices, unexamined assumptions and vulgar ambitions of the clique that spawned them.

This comes as no surprise to any of us, I am sure, but Mr. Floyd says it well. I put nothing past the Bushes and their ilk in their quest for riches and power and fuck the rest of us.

Please go read the rest. Many links.

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