Thursday, August 12, 2004


I'm watching MSNBC and this fucking deal in Najaf. Word is (ask me if it's true tomorrow), that American infantry took Moqtada al-Sadr's house. Hope he wasn't there. I give a shit if the nitwit lives or dies, but if he dies, he'll be a poster boy for al-Qaeda recruiting. Now, we know it was a bad move going into Iraq to begin with, but Hell, if we're gonna have our boys do it, let them do it. Fuck it, kill 'em all and let God sort out the mess. Carpet bomb Najaf and let that be a lesson to anyone else. Instead of a holy city, they have a holy hole in the ground. I mean, we're fighting a war, good or bad, and in war you gotta do what you gotta do. Oh wait, you can't because it'll incite more unrest. Maybe we shoulda thought about it before we went in. Why does this feel more and more like deja vu? The nightly body counts, the politicians running the war for political purposes, the betrayal of the public trust, the sharp polarization of the electorate; I remember watching Huntley-Brinkley with my folks and it sounds the same. The only difference is the American losses aren't as staggeringly high. Bill at Whiskey Bar says it best when he calls Iraq "Vietnam on crack".

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