Saturday, August 14, 2004

New York City & the GOP

From that smart and insightful kid, and fellow New Yorker, Matt Yglesias:

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
I'll be back in my hometown of New York City for the 2004 Republican Convention, spending some time on a Prospect credential and some time hanging out with the other independent progressive bloggers come to document the goings on. I know New York pretty well, and I know that New Yorkers (a) don't like Republicans, (b) regard 9-11 as their tragedy and don't like to see it exploited by Republicans they don't like, (c) don't like seeing traffic all fucked up, (d) don't like tourists, and (e) did I mention they don't like Republicans. I mean, Bush is really hated. NYC has got to be the least Republican place on the planet this side of the Gaza Strip. It even passed through the whole realignment thing unaffected -- give us Lincoln and we won't vote for him, the City went for McGovern and it went for Mondale. It really hates Republicans.

So, speaking personally, I'm torn between a desire to see New York kick some ass and really teach the GOP a lesson for having the balls to repeatedly screw the city over on counterterrorism stuff, then show up in town trying to gay bash and 9-11ify their way to reelection, and a fear that over-the-top protests will bolster Bush's reelection effort.

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