Monday, August 9, 2004

Welcome to New York

Have a nice fucking day. Ain't nobody in NYC wants the Republicans here in a couple weeks:

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As Republicans get excited about converging on Madison Square Garden to bask in the political limelight this month, many New Yorkers apparently are not amused. A recent survey by a Manhattan public relations firm found 83 percent of those polled do not want the Republican convention in town. When asked why, more than half, 53 percent, were worried about traffic, street closures, and security hassles. All of this, prompting the city's biggest cheerleaders to soothe and reassure New Yorkers that it will all be worth it.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York City(R[-Asshole]): "It is not going to cost the city anything other than the $25 million in security and it'll generate hundreds of millions in economic activity. It's really going to be great for the whole city. And I think everybody is really looking forward it."

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly adding the city can handle large-scale events without a hiccup, and that it won't be as bad as many fear.

Ray Kelly, NYC Police Commissioner : "I think there will be a lot less disruption than people seem to think or the media has been talking about...certainly in the vicinity of Madison Square Garden."

Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, New York City (R): "The fact is, you are in the hands of the New York Police Department, they have done a masterful job of making the city safer than it was before September 11th, 2001."

While city leaders past and present put the best spin on the convention, the same poll found 70 percent are afraid to go to work the week of August 30th because of security concerns. Tapping into the fear factor, other states are now trying to lure New Yorkers away for the week.

Amanda Smart, Manhattan Resident: "I feel like it is going to be a mad house. We have a hard time getting to work. It is going to be terrible to be in the city that week." [my emphasis]

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Full story.

Yeah, this is gonna be wonderful.

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